Introduction to 2SC1345 NPN Amplifier Transistor, Features, Pinout & Applications — The Engineering Knowledge

Engineering Knowledge
3 min readFeb 8, 2021


Hello, friends welcome to a new post in this post we will have a detailed look at Introduction to 2SC1345 NPN Amplifier Transistor. The 2SC1345 is a category of transistor that generally employed in the audio devices that offers long time back. The main characteristic that makes it effective are less noise providing features and high value of gain.

the value of collector current for this device is one hundred milliamperes and the value of VCE is fifty volts. In this post, we will have a detailed look at its working, features Datasheet, and some other related features. So let’s get started with Introduction to 2SC1345 NPN Amplifier Transistor.

Introduction to 2SC1345 NPN Amplifier Transistor

  • The 2SC1345 is an NPN transistor that offered the IC value of current one hundred milliamperes and VCE voltage value of fifty volts.
  • The value of base voltage for this transistor is five volts that employed to use in less voltage usage audio amplifiers. The value of gain for this transistor relies at the transistor’s part numbers.
  • The value of gain offered by this device is two fifty to twelve hundred due to these values it used for different amplifier applications.
  • With the usage in amplifiers circuits it used in less power controlling switching circuits. As there is five volts are provided at this device base so it can be easily regulated through the MCU or microcontrollers.
  • It has features of switching of loads using fifty volts and the current value is one hundred milliamperes that is less so it not mostly sued for switching circuits.

2SC1345 NPN Amplifier Transistor Features

  • The main features of this device are described here.
  • It is exists in the T0-assembly.
  • The value of collector-base voltage is five fifty volts.
  • The parameters for collector-emitter is fifty volts.
  • Value of continuous current for this device is one hundred milliamperes.
  • The gain parameters is two fifty to twelve hundred.
  • The value of emitter-base voltage for this device is five volts.
  • It belongs to the NPN transistor family.

2SC1345 Pinout

  • There are 3 main pinouts of this device are mentioned here.
  • Base: Biasing process of this device is regulated through it operates as a switch.
  • Collector: Current move to the translator through this terminal operates as input.
  • EMitter: This pinout is used to getting out the current.

2SC1345 Applications

  • It used in the oscillator circuitry.
  • It used to design such amplifiers that operate at less power amplifiers.
  • It used ot construct pre amploifiers.
  • Used to design less current switches.
  • It used in audio frequency circuitry.

So that is detailed post about 2SC1345 i tried to cover each and every parameter related to this post. If you have any further query ask in comments. Thanks for reading have a nice day.

Author: Henry

I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students.

Originally published at on February 8, 2021.



Engineering Knowledge
Engineering Knowledge

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