PCB Design with EasyEDA & JLCPCB — The Engineering Knowledge
Hello readers welcome to the new tutorial. Here we will discuss PCB Design with EasyEDA & JLCPCB. PCB is a very basic part of any electronic project so it needed certain demands and precautions for the creation of it and making its design. There are different ways that are used for the creation of the board here I will tell you basic and simple way through EasyEDA PCB design. After that will tell you how you can get the PCB after making design from JLCPCB which is the best PCB supplier in the world.
JLCPCB and EasyEDA also had made collaboration with each other. To make the PCB design we will use a simple circuit of the project that and make its design on the PCB board. So let get started all steps used for designing the PCB board. Before it you must have idea about JLCPCB from that you will get the board after creating the design. It was Founded in 2006, and JLCPCB has been at the forefront of the PCB industry. With over 15-year continuous innovation and improvement based on customers’ needs, they have been growing fast, and becoming a leading global PCB manufacturer, that provides the rapid production of high-reliability and cost-effective PCBs and creates the best customer experience in the industry. So let get started
PCB Design with EasyEDA & JLCPCB
- To design PCB board through EasyEDA and also I am using it to make the design.
- Move to EasyEDA site then log to your account after that press on EasyEDA designer tab then new projects tab will seen press on it and write the name of your project then save it and the new interface will be shown can seen here
- Now we will draw the circuit of our project that we are using for PCB design. The CIrcuit can seen here
Project Components
- The component that we will use in the circuit are listed here
- capacitor 5 in number
- TDA2003A
- Resistances 4 in numbers
- Speaker as load
- All values of these components can be seen in the above figure
- Al these components of circuits are get from the component library can seen in the below figure.
- After that, all components connect according to the projects circuit diagram and their respective value changes according to requirements.
- Now move to design tab and press on the convert schematic to PCB new interface will be display.
- After that drag all components in the blue color rectangular box
- Now use the autorouter option to get the resultant routing of circuit can seen here
- final look is like this
- Performing the all requirements final design of the circuit is this from front and backside
- Now upload the Gerber file to JLPCB that can seen here and set the required parameters
- When you adjust the all parameter to the board press on the add to cart button.
- Your order of design has been sent to the JLCPCB on the basis of projects requirements and time needed they will creates you board and send to you
So, friends, I hope you have learned how to design a PCB board it is a very simple and basic process you must have basic knowledge of components and EasyEDA is the best free platform for students to make the design of PCB with great accuracy and fine result. After that getting the PCB to consult the JLCPCB which is best PCB supplier in the world offered the best service regarding PCB. If you face any difficulty to design PCB must visit JLCPCB site. Further, you have any queries ask in the comments. THanks for reading have a good day
Author: Henry
I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students.
Originally published at https://www.theengineeringknowledge.com on May 29, 2022.