Rogers PCB & PTFE PCB: High Frequency PCB is available on JLCPCB — The Engineering Knowledge

Engineering Knowledge
7 min readMar 15, 2023


Hello, readers welcome to the new post. In this post we will discuss Rogers PCB & PTFE PCB: High Frequency PCB is available on JLCPCB. the high-frequency board is the best option for projects like signal transmission among two differnt devices. This PCB board uses certain types of materials for attaining high frequency. As compared to other normal PCB boards high frequency boards produce small but high-frequency signal impedance. These boards are considered as the main part of products where certain signals are required. It operates for five hundred megahertz to two GIGa Herts frequency ranges. So it is a significant part of high-speed signal transmission projects

To ensure the quality of boards there are different tests are performed such as AOI, E-testing, X-RAY, impedance control, high temperature, and high humidity, etc. FR4, high TG FR4, Roger PCB, high-frequency material, and metallic-based board are commonly used in electronic projects. Here JLCPCB has introduced its High-frequency services for their clines with great quality and reasonable prices. Details are explained below. So let’s get started

What is High Frequency PCB

  • if you are working on a wireless system or related application that has to transmit the signal between points then the best option is to use the high-frequency PCB. The frequency for these boars are 500 megahertz to two Gigahertz.
  • They are the finest option for different applications like high-speed designs microwaves phones and some other electronic projects
  • These boards are sensitive so it uses high-frequency laminates to maintain the heat transfer during operation
  • With the boards used in our project of high-frequency type decide the operation of our project signal. The change in the dielectric constant of the material has an impact on the impedance of baord

Features of high frequency circuit board

  • Here are some features of high frequency that are explained.
  • It is smaller and more stable there is no delay in signal transmission provided by these baord and the finest option of signal transmission. It has the ability to decrease signal wastes and cooper free foil separates with temperature variation.
  • These boards have some features like impact resistance heat resistance, peel resistance, and chemical resistance. With that high peel, resistance enhances the signal quality of the board

high-frequency circuit boards Materials

  • As these boards operate on high-frequency values so they are affected by the high temperatures conditions.
  • If the material used for these boards is not good it can cause thermal stress accumulation. so must use such material having a good coefficient of thermal expansion. With that material must have a high value of stability. That will work for a long duration
  • The material used for these board construction has high conductivity and electrical conductivity
  • As HF boards are used in harsh environments so must have high corrosion resistance and moisture resistance. That is why the material used must be moisture-proof. High-frequency signals are sensitive to noise.
  • So there must be the material used that has good impedance tolerance for HF board construction

Rogers PCB & PTFE PCB: High Frequency PCB is available on JLCPCB

  • JLCPCB is the best PCB supplier that is Established in 2006, JLCPCB is at the forefront of the PCB industry. With more than 15 years of continuous innovation and improvement based on customer needs, they have grown rapidly to become the world’s leading PCB manufacturer, providing rapid production of highly reliable and cost-effective PCBs and creating the best customer experience in the industry. JLCPCB is constantly striving to be more efficient and reduce costs. They promise to offer customers the most economical PCBs forever. JLCPCB produces the cheapest yet high-quality printed circuit boards, probably due to economies of scale, extremely high production efficiency, and lower labor costs.
  • In the recent past, JLCPCB received a lot of feedback from their customers about the high-frequency PCB baord from this pcb supplier. So now they have introduced their Rogers PCB and PTFE Teflon PCB for their customers. You can get high-quality high-frequency boards through a selection of accurate base materials through the JLCPCB site.
  • Due to large-scale manufacturing abilities, they can offer special charges for both HF base material 10cm*10cm 5pcs, that is Rogers PCBs start from $99.5, and PTFE PCBs from $50.5. Save you more than $100 compared to other HF PCBs on the market.

Here are specifications listed currently supported by high frequency PCBs on JLCPCB

Rogers PCB Features on JLCPCB

  • PCB Board Thickness:0.51/0.76/1.52
  • PCB Laminates: RO4350B (Dk=3.48, Df=0.0037)

PTFE Teflon PCB Features on JLCPCB

  • PCB Thickness:0.76/1.52
  • PCB Laminates: ZYF255DA(Dk=2.55, Df=0.0018)/ ZYF265D(Dk=2.65, Df=0.0019)/ ZYF300CA-C(Dk=2.94, Df=0.0016)/ ZYF300CA-P(Dk=3.00, Df=0.0018)

Tip to get a High-quality High-Frequency PCB

  • There are some points that must be considered for the selection of a high-frequency board.
  • Select the base material having good DK/DF. PCB boards with less Dk have fast phase velocities than baord having a high dielectric constant.
  • The circuits that are sensitive to delay accuracies like high-speed digital circuitry can be affected through transmission lines that have different phase speeds or transmission delays. There is a need for high attention to the Dk value of board base material.
  • With that PCB base material having high Dk causes the smaller wavelength at a specific frequency that results in small circuitry size board
  • The coefficient of thermal expansion of the substrate is consistent with the copper foil. The temperature changes cause copper Foiles to separate due to inconsistency.
  • Must use PCB having good heat resistance, chemical resistance, and deformation resistance.

Rogers PCB Advantages

  • The type of Roger -RO4350B material is strengthened glass hydrocarbon material having a dielectric constant value of 3.48 at 10GHz, which makes it commonly available for high-frequency power amplifier circuits.
  • RO4350B laminates come with low Z-axis coefficient of CTE that make sure high stability of multiple circuits connected through plated holes. the thickness of finished products is 0.6/0.9/1.65mm in three specifications).

Advantages of PTFE Teflon PCB

  • PTFE Teflon baord comes with good operation in differnt projects and is the finest material for complicated and highly reliable designs. It has good temperature resistance, strong heat dissipation good dielectric features, and high mechanical stability.
  • it is durable and can withstand high quantities of oxidation and UV rays with that cost-effective

How to order Rogers PCB & PTFE Teflon PCB on JLCPCB

  • Here are some steps explained for getting Roger baord and PTFE for JLCPCB
  • First of all upload the Gerber file to their site
  • Then select the Roger or PTFE according to your needs
  • After that select the board thickness and PCb laminates
  • Then mentioned the certain specification for your board
  • Last save to the cart and checkout

JLCPCB’s goal is always to facilitate innovation for every engineer and manufacturer. With extensive options, JLCPCB is able to offer high-quality printed circuit boards at a very reasonable price, saving your budget for more innovative options. Get your high-quality RF PCB on their quote page..

High Frequency Applications

Here some industrial applications of High frequency explained

  • It used in the commutation system for signal integrity verification
  • It used to manufacture the small size circuitry designs
  • It is used for conducts that need impedance control with great demand
  • It used in automobile radar system
  • Used in millimeter wave projects
  • It used in GPS antenna

That is all bout he Rogers PCB & PTFE PCB: High-Frequency PCB is available on JLCPCB all details has explained. If you have any query ask here

Author: Henry

I am a professional engineer and graduate from a reputed engineering university also have experience of working as an engineer in different famous industries. I am also a technical content writer my hobby is to explore new things and share with the world. Through this platform, I am also sharing my professional and technical knowledge to engineering students.

Originally published at on March 15, 2023.



Engineering Knowledge
Engineering Knowledge

Written by Engineering Knowledge

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